Sustainability Toolkit (STAMP)


Project: Sustainability Toolkit for the Assessment of Master Plans [STAMP]

Services: EU Programmes, Research and Innovation

Year: 2022 – ongoing 

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Within the framework of KAEBUP (Knowledge Alliance for Evidence Based Urban Practices) a new toolkit is being developed by ALA Planning Partnership in collaboration with the University of Cyprus. STAMP (Sustainability Toolkit for the Assessment of Master Plans) aims to act as an accessible, user-friendly and practical tool for developers, designers and planners to evaluate and improve the sustainability potential of a proposed master plan.

It is composed by fourteen (14) clear sustainability parameters that set the guidelines of what makes a sustainable and green design, by asking the masterplanners a number of questions each and translating the results into a graphical output that guides the users to understand how to improve the sustainability of their Master Plan design.

The tool has been workshopped at the University of Cyprus, Frederick, University and Neapolis University for feedback. A presentation to relevant government authorities and practitioners has also taken place.